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The bomber drops a bouncing bomb, but it bounces too high

At the beginning of the Second World War, British invented the bouncing bomb to destroy enemy dams and battleships. To drop such bombs, the airplane had to fly exactly 20 meters above water at 400 km/h.
This video shows a bouncing bomb test that ended badly. The bomb bounced a bit too high on the water, and hit the tail of the plane. It resulted in a dramatic crash.
Click hereafter for history, pictures and videos of the Bouncing Bombs.


Hampton (United Kingdom)
The aircraft is A26C-25 DT Invader serial number 43-22644 from Wright Field. It was testing the American version of the bouncing bomb in Florida. The bomb didnt bouce back up it broke up on impact causing the water to detach the horizontal and vertical stabilizer. The aircraft went into a sudden descent causing the main wings to bend downwards due to forces acting on them. On impact the aircraft broke up to multiple pieces. All on board where killed. The pilot was too low and inexperienced with the tactics required.
21st October, 2021
Barnes Wallis
Hatfield (Englandland)
It's definitely not a de Havilland Mosquito-I should know being from Hatfield. There was a development of the original bouncing bombs later in the war in which two smaller weapons were carried by a Mosquito. These were codeworded "Highball
12th December, 2009
It`s a A-20
2nd September, 2009
Spokane (Usa)
I would have to say it is an A-20 Havoc. Mosquito? No way. I don't see eliptical wing or rounded tail.
26th June, 2009
Doncaster (England)
The aircraft was a Dehavilland Mosquito for sure no question.
31st January, 2009
Sacto (U.s.)
I guess I'm mistaken? I thought that plane looked like a B- 24 Liberator! Those poor guys didn't know what hit them because it didn't take long for them to know they were going down! Poor guys.
15th January, 2009
Max Normal
Was a great invention! took out 3 dams in Germany and flooded out weapons manufacturing capability as huge waves devastated the industrial regions in the wake of the dams. Flown by Brits and Aussies.
11th January, 2008
25th April, 2007
Melbourne (Australia)
That did'nt work very well did it?
24th March, 2007
Aircraft type looks like a Douglas A/B-26, from the tall tail to low slung radial engines.
27th February, 2007
Offhand, I would not call that one of Britian's greatest invention...
13th February, 2007