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A320 crash in a residential area in Pakistan : last seconds caught on camera

The Airbus A320 operated by Pakistan International Airlines crashes in a residential area of Karachi, Pakistan, just over a kilometer from the runway. After a first approach that ended with both engines striking the asphalt and a go-around, the crew repositioned for a second approach. 5 minutes later, both engines shut down. The aircraft then quickly lost altitude, crashed and burst into flames. 96 occupants were killed, and 2 survived.
See here more information about this Airbus A320 accident.


Carl Hackert
Saratoga Springs, Ny (Usa)
The details arising from analysis of the data and CVR are damning. Perfectly good aircraft operated improperly by the crew.
26th June, 2020
Carl Hackert
Saratoga Springs, Ny (Usa)
Terrible news. The ADS & radar data and communications with ATC indicates that the crew were asked by ATC several times if they were going to make a 180 turn (to a hold or a circle) to loose excess altitude and speed because they were far too high and fast to fly a stabilized ILS. The crew responded that they were "comfortable" but the sound of the warning chimes in the cockpit could be heard. During the initial approach, the aircraft was too fast for the audtomatic systems to allow them to extend the gear and flaps. After the contacting the runway, the engine damage caused a complete failure and the RAT and gear extended. We are awaiting the results of the CVR and Flight Data recorder downloads. They could have flown a hold or gone around and ATC could have withdrawn their landing clearance. An entirely preventable event.
11th June, 2020