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The Boeing 737 hit a vehicle while it was accelerating for takeoff

This Boeing 737-300 was operated by Tarom, with 123 passengers and crewmember onboard. Accelerating for takeoff, at a speed of about 90 kts, the plane hit a maintenance vehicle with the left engine and with the left landing gear. The aircraft ran off the left side of the runway and came to rest 137 meters left of the centerline. Visibility at the time was poor due to thick fog. Everybody survived.

The first part of this video is shot by a passenger inside the plane.


What the bloody heck was an unmanned maintenance vehicle doing parked on a runway with ANY airplane taxiing at that airport? I hope they fired the imbecile who was responsible for leaving the vehicle behind like that.
15th December, 2010
Plymouth (England)
In that amount of fog the aircraft should not have veen allowed to leave, the blame has to be put on the tower
22nd October, 2010
Toulouse (France)
Nobody was inside the vehicle when the collision happened. There is no fatality.
9th August, 2009
Carl Hackert
Saratoga Springs, Ny (Usa)
Was anyone inside the maintenance vehicle? Was it in motion at the time or parked? Most runway maintenance crews are in contact with ATC... was the 737 on the wrong runway? very lucky!
6th August, 2009
Reykjavik (Iceland)
fog weather
5th August, 2009