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Warbirds mid-air collision during World War II

On April 14th, 1943, these three World War II warbirds (known as Bolingbroke Mk IV) from the Royal Australian Air Force were performing a low pass for the cameras. When the aircraft at the center climbed, its tail hit the left wing tip of the aircraft on the right. Both aircraft are damaged and became uncontrollable. They both crash, killing their pilot.


Chris Green
Perth (Australia)
My father was supposed to be a navigator in one of the planes that crashed, but he was asked by another navigator from another plane if he could swap his submarine patrol with my dad. Dad of course agreed. My Dad was Flight Lieutenant (sp) W.A. Green from Perth.
2nd August, 2023
Hey, yah Fatty..pretty funny. You are an idiot.
24th September, 2007
Berlin (G E R M A N Y)
There is nothing funy!!!!
26th August, 2007
Gay Town (Gays)
i was there laughing at the gay pilot hahahahahha
27th June, 2007
kim fawkes
Melbourne (Australia)
Two Beauforts collided during a Prince of Wales breakaway in Jervis Bay, New South Wales in April 1943. All 8 men in both crews died. Only the crew of the second Beaufort(the one diving vertically) after losing its tail were found.
6th June, 2007
London (England)
funny they were un organised pretty funny vid
16th February, 2007
Jim Roberts
Melbourne (Australia)
Sorry guys these are Beauforts not Bolinbrokes or Blenheims. These planes were designed in the UK by Bristol and 700 were built and modified by the Department of Aircraft Production, DAP, in Australia. My Dad flew in one.
7th September, 2006
These aircraft are really Bristol Beauforts.
9th July, 2006