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The landing of this big Grumman Goose ended in a spectacular accident

The landing of this big Grumman Goose ended in a spectacular accident.
The plane was supposed to land on a river at Tamarindo (Costa Rica) for a sequence of the movie "Endless Summer II". After landing, the right pontoon caught the water, and jerked the aircraft to the right. Overcorrecting, the pilot put the left float into the water, and the aircraft swerved to that side. He applied full take-off power to get the aircraft back into the air, but it careered from the river onto the beach, where it ground-looped and came to a stop. No one was injured.


Grumman Fan
Epic crash, and that airplane is tough! Not even like a severed propellor or float, just a strange slide into a dune.
24th November, 2020
Tenn (U S A)
Maybe the guy never new how to drive boats before he becomed a pilot. My friend Ricky could drive the water part for him
18th January, 2011
Hannover (Germany)
Best landing ever!!!!!!!
21st December, 2009
Built grumman tough!
24th August, 2009
Fargo (Usa)
Pretty short "career" if you ask me. I thought it careened.
3rd April, 2009
J. Miller
Oak Harbor, Wa. (Usa)
Wow! I guess that's what you call a cure for constipation. If you didn't squeeze it from being tense, that plane would probably just shake it out of you!
24th January, 2008
Whitecourt Ab (Canada)
Christ thats a tough plane!
13th November, 2007
Tehran (Iran)
24th July, 2007