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Two planes collided in mid-air and crashed at Radom air show, Poland, in 2007

Two pilots were killed after colliding in mid-air on September 1st 2007 during an aerobatics display at an air show in Radom, Poland. The collision occurred when a three-ship formation spread out and then attempted to re-converge, resulting in two of the aircraft from the Zelazny display team slamming into each other.


Verbena (United States)
The aircraft in this video are Zlin 326 prop trainers built in Czechoslovakia.
31st March, 2011
Athens (Greece)
i like viewing air events .
13th December, 2010
Radom (Poland)
Zelazny Team was performing exactly the figure which Frecce Tricolori were doing during Ramstein Airshow crash... and the same results! To state that they tried "re-converge" is misleading....
2nd September, 2009
Indonesia (Medan)
16th December, 2008