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Optimum Aviation Antonov AN-26 plane crash
Juba, Sudan

Optimum Aviation Antonov AN-26 plane crash - Juba, Sudan

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Juba, SudanThe Antonov AN-26 operated by Optimum Aviation took off from Juba, South Sudan, for a cargo flight to Maban, South Sudan. 5 crewmembers were onboard. The aircraft crashed a few minutes after takeoff, about 2 NM from the runway end, across river White Nile. The aircraft was destroyed, and all five occupants were killed.

The Antonov was transporting 28 drums of Diesel. The plane was climbing out of Juba's airport when the crew declared emergency about 3 minutes after departure. One minute later, the plane entered an uncontrolled descent and crashed about 2 NM (4 km) past the runway end, bursting into flames. The wreckage was found in a wooden area.

Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Antonov AN-26)
Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Antonov AN-26)
Juba, Sudan
Juba, Sudan (Red dot on map)

Photos of the Optimum Aviation Antonov 26 crash

Photos of the Optimum Aviation Antonov 26 crash