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Aeroméxico Connect Embraer 190AR plane crash
Durango, Mexico

Aeroméxico Connect Embraer 190AR plane crash - Durango, Mexico

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Durango, MexicoThe Embraer ERJ-190 operated by Aeromexico Connect was supposed to take off from Durango, Mexico, for a passenger flight to Mexico City, Mexico. 99 passengers and 4 crewmembers were onboard. The plane rejected takeoff from Durango's airport in adverse weather, and veered left off the runway, overran the end of the runway and burst into flames. All the occupants survived. 2 people received serious injuries, 83 people received minor injuries. The aircraft has been destroyed.

The plane was accelerating on the runway and had already reached a high speed, close to V1, high speed when the crew decided to abort the takeoff. The plane never became airborne. It veered off the runway, ran through rough terrain causing substantial damage to the aircraft including both engines detaching from the airframe. The aircraft came to a stop and the crew instructed to evacuate. A fire broke out a few minutes later, consuming the aircraft.

A Thunderstorm was moving across Durango airport at the time of the accident.

Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Embraer 190AR)
Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Embraer 190AR)
Durango, Mexico
Durango, Mexico (Red dot on map)

Photos of the Aeroméxico Connect Embraer 190AR crash

Photos of the Aeroméxico Connect Embraer 190AR crash