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Aerosucre Colombia Boeing 727-2J0F plane crash
Puerto Carreño, Colombia

Aerosucre Colombia Boeing 727-2J0F plane crash - Puerto Carreño, Colombia

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Puerto Carreño, ColombiaThe Boeing 727-2J0F cargo operated by Aerosucre Colombia took off from Puerto Carreño, Colombia, for a freight flight to Bogota, Colombia. 6 crewmembers were onboard. The plane did not achieved enough altitude after takeoff, then lost height and crashed. 5 occupants were killed, one occupant (a flight technician) survived.

The Boeing 727 attempted to take off from Puerto Carreño's runway 24, a 1780 m long runway, but failed to lift off before the runway threshold. The plane overran the runway at high speed clipping the barbed wire fence at the edge of the airport (95 meters away from the runway threshold) in a nose up attitude. Then the plane right wing hit a shed on ground: the right inboard flap was torn off (see photo at the end of this article). The plane finally became airborne and hardly climbed a few hundred a feet. About three minutes later, the plane is seen in a right hand turn losing altitude until it impacted flat terrain about 5 NM (9 km) from the airport, bursting into flames.

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This Aerosucre Colombia Boeing 727 attempts to take off from Puerto Carreño airport but overran the runway. The footage then shows the plane airborne loosing altitude during a turn and crashing in a field.

Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Boeing 727-2J0F)
Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Boeing 727-2J0F)
Puerto Carreño, Colombia
Puerto Carreño, Colombia (Red dot on map)

Photos of the Aerosucre Colombia Boeing 727 freighter crash

Photos of the Aerosucre Colombia Boeing 727 freighter crash