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Voepass Linhas Aéreas plane crash - An ATR 72 with 62 people on board crashes in Brazil
9th August, 2024

Date : 9th August, 2024

Airline : Voepass Linhas Aéreas

Aircraft : ATR 72-500

Location : Vinhedo, Brazil

People on board : 62

Fatalities : 62


The threat of drones on the safety of civil aviation

Over the past few years, drones have become increasingly popular and accessible to a wide audience, with several million in use around the world. Although primarily used for recreational activities, drones are also increasingly used for commercial and government applications, including surveillance and security missions. However, the growing popularity of drones has also created concerns about civil aviation safety. The proliferation of drones has led to an increase in incidents involving drones and aircraft, endangering the safety of passengers and crew members. Given the explosion in the number of drones in use, and the lack of knowledge among remote pilots of the rules of the air and airspace, can we speak today of a threat to civil aviation safety from drones? How do the Civil Aviation Authorities take this new trend into account? (read more...)


Statistics by country

Country with the highest number of plane accidents over the last 12 months:
- Russia (2 accidents)

Statistics by plane manufacturer

Plane manufacturer with the highest number of plane accidents over the last 12 months:
- Boeing (3 accidents)



Statistics by country

Country with the highest number of plane accidents over the last 12 months:
- Russia (2 accidents)

Statistics by plane manufacturer

Plane manufacturer with the highest number of plane accidents over the last 12 months:
- Boeing (3 accidents)
