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Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Aviation Antonov AN-26B plane crash
Palana, Russia

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Aviation Antonov AN-26B plane crash - Palana, Russia

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Palana, Russia

The Antonov AN-26 operated by Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Aviation, took off from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia, for a passenger flight to Palana, Russia. 22 passengers and 6 crewmembers were onboard. The plane was on approach to Palana in foggy and cloudy conditions when it crashed. All the 28 people onboard were killed.

Last communication with the crew had been performed around 1 minutes prior the crash. The controller informed them they were on a bearing of 320 degrees about 9km (5 NM) from the aerodrome. Then contact with the aircraft was lost while the AN-26 was maneuvering to begin the final approach . The investigation has shown that no command or action to extend flaps or gear was recorded, and there was no activity on the flight controls in the 3 seconds prior to impact.

The wreckage was later found on the top of the coastal slope about 3.8 km (2.1 NM) from the airport. The engines were on top of the cliff, the rest of the aircraft down in the sea at the foot of the cliff.

The Antonov AN-26 was 35 years old. The aircraft was airworthy and had passed the last inspection in the week before the crash.

Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Antonov AN-26B)
Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Antonov AN-26B)
Palana, Russia

Photos of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Aviation Antonov 26B crash