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Fly540 Fokker F-27 plane crash
Mogadishu, Somalia

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The Fokker F-27 belonging to Fly540 took off from an airport in Kenya, carrying a cargo of khat to Somalia. Destination was K-50 Airport, located about 50 km southwest of Mogadishu. 3 crewmembers were onboard. The plane crashed on approach to Mogadishu. All three on board perished.

The weather was poor as the airplane arrived near K-50. A lot of humidity was around the airport, impairing visibility. The airplane was seen approaching the airport twice and going around before colliding with a telecommunication antenna owned by «Nationlink Telecom» about 2 kilometres from the airstrip, and crashing.

The plane was carrying 5.4 tonnes of khat (khat is a flowering plant native to tropical East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula - In 1980 the World Health Organization classified khat as a drug of abuse that can produce mild to moderate psychological dependence).

Fly540 is currently on the blacklist of airlines banned from flying in the European Union.

Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Fokker F-27)
Mogadishu, Somalia

Photos of the Fly540 Fokker F-27 crash