Grodno Antonov AN-12BK plane crash
Irkutsk, Russia

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The Antonov AN-12BK operated by Grodno Aviakompania took off from Yakutsk, Russia, for a cargo flight to Irkutsk, Russia. 4 passengers (escorting the cargo) and 5 crewmembers were onboard. The plane was loaded with a cargo consisting of food and consumer goods. The crew went around after a first approach to Irkutsk. Radar contact was lost seconds later. The aircraft crashed and burst into flames at about 1.7 NM (3 km) East-South-East of the airport, near the village of Pivovarikha. All the 9 occupants perished.
Shortly before the accident, the Antonov was performing and ILS approach to Irkutsk's airport in bad weather conditions. Snowfall, low clouds, limited visibility and a temperature of about -7°C were reported. The crew initiated a go around due to weather at about 100 ft (30 meters) above ground level, and at about 2 NM (3.6 km) before the runway threshold. The engine power was increased; however, no control inputs were made to bring the aircraft into a climb. The aircraft collided with trees, subsequently with ground and caught fire.