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Aero Tropics Air Services Swearingen 227 plane crash
Iron Range, Australia

Aero Tropics Air Services Swearingen 227 plane crash - Iron Range, Australia

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Iron Range, AustraliaThe Fairchild Metroliner 227, on a passenger flight from Bamaga to Iron Range, crashed shortly before landing into a fog shrouded hillside surrounding the airport. The bad weather conditions could be the root cause of the accident. All the 15 passengers and crew members were killed.

Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Swearingen 227)
Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Swearingen 227)
Iron Range, Australia
Iron Range, Australia (Red dot on map)

Photos of the crash of Aero Tropics Air Services (7th May, 2005)

Click on a photo of the accident to enlarge it
